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The Blame Game March 31- April 6, 2010

I bought a big ticket item a while ago and it had become a noose around my neck. I have had ample opportunity to take care of it and to be rid of it….but I “missed” it.  I got distracted and I did not stay focused.  I blamed myself. However, when I finally got around to asking God to forgive me …He said:  I will remember your sin no more.

For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews 8: 12

After God forgave me…I was able to move on to a solution…expecting God to show me the way out…and He did.


Today, I woke up  and found myself in a whirlwind of a busy schedule; with a headache…that  was pounding! No matter…I needed to pray and for the record…it wasn’t about the headache.

You see, I had a pressing problem which was financial and I had been praying for an out.  I totally did not want to do anything unwise. I needed God toorder my steps…and I could not afford to miss.

I prayed and nothing unusual happened.  It was good and it was fruitful.     I had some instructions that came across my heart…and so I was led to go to a couple of places. At the first place that I went to…I could hear the Holy Spirit whispering confidence into my ear.  I then proceeded on to the second place…I heard nothing.

Finally, I went back to the first place and the Holy Spirit began to speak again to my spirit!  This has never happened before!  It all turned out great…and I was delivered in an incredible way from my financial dilemma.    Thank You Lord!

You bless righteous people, O LORD. Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor.  Psalm 5:  12