Posted in American culture, don't walk in the flesh, God backed me, God loves us, How much God loves us, I have prayed for you, I ran to the Word of God, Luke 22: 31-32, SAtan has demanded permission to sift you as wheat, spiritual warfare, verbal attack, walk in the flesh, Warfare, What a waste, When we feel unloved

WARFARE by Elaine Davenport (Monday, September 17, 2007)

Luke 22:31-32
31″Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat;
32 but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.

I’ve been all over the Internet talking about Spiritual Warfare. It’s funny, it hadn’t even occurred to me that Satan was quietly looking for a way to attack me. It came out of nowhere. Of course, it wasn’t a new trick, it was an old trick. He got someone close to me to walk in the flesh and tell me off. It took all that I had in reserve to stay in love. I’m just being honest. We have to stay in love. When we feel unloved we have to remember how much God loves us and we have to exude love. I had decided to give my friend some air for a while but I soon found myself apologizing to them. At the time, I thought there was nothing that I had done wrong; but there was. I examined myself and realized that I talk too much sometimes and I have to learn to listen. I can never walk or talk in the flesh ever because when I do, Satan enters.

I was so crushed by the verbal attack from my friend. I was hurt more so because of their unforgiveness. If it had been the other way around I thought; I would have forgiven them. I dwelled on this for hours. What a waste. I thought about relationships and friendships in our American culture and how people walk away from them over little or nothing. It could all be averted if people were just truthful, communicated better and were more apologetic, forgiving and loving.

I could never explain it unless it happened to me first which it did. Before that they were just words.

I was shaken and I ran to the Word of God. It was there that I was reinforced. The helpful thing was that the Word already deposited just needed a little stir.

I was reminded of a church service where we laughed at the devil for a long long time. We had so much fun. When he attacks; be ready to laugh. Be ready. Then laugh. Prepare yourself. It will not be easy; but do it. As soon as you laugh it will get easier. It’s the eqiuivalent to telling him off; or worse. See that the attack is not from the person voicing the words to you or the situation that you’re in. See that it is from the enemy and do not let him sift you.

Jesus told Peter that Satan sought to sift Peter and that he prayed about Peter’s faith that it would not fail him. What will your faith do in a trial.

My faith has gotten stronger, thanks Satan. I stood you down. God backed me; He always does.


I am a born again believer. I am a Prayer Intercessor, writer, wife, mom, sold out for God lady! I believe that Jesus heals. I also believe that many people need faith information and prayer and this site will offer this.

2 thoughts on “WARFARE by Elaine Davenport (Monday, September 17, 2007)

  1. I appreciate you blog and the warfare you faced with your friend. “They will know we are his disciples by our love for one another.” I have learned that the key is walking unoffended. When we get offended love gets defiled and we lose that sense of his presence and grace on us. As a pastor I have seen man get sabotaged by the enemy and derailed because they fell into what you have written about. I came across your blog accidently, but I am thankful for it. I hope all is well with you. Shalom,


  2. Thank you Gregory Ivan! Blessings unto you. Please continue to come by and visit with us. Blessings & Love

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